Bob Travis bobtravis at comcast.net
Tue Dec 17 17:25:57 EST 2013

Thanks for the input!!  I think I'm going to try a stainless plug. I'll let you know how it goes. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 17, 2013, at 6:58 AM, James Frankland <jamesf at guernseysubmarine.com> wrote:
> This has given me an idea.  Ive got loads of this fluid film stuff.  Im tempted to pour some into the tank to give it a bit of protection over the winter.  Might have to experiment with it a bit first to make sure its not going to clog it up.
> http://www.fluid-film.com/products/properties_liquida.html
>> On 17 December 2013 14:24, Jon Wallace <jonw at psubs.org> wrote:
>> I highly encourage you to modify it.  The one piece of the K600 that is obviously not useable is the VBT (identical to the K-350).  The plug suggested by Dan is a good option but with either an electric or hydraulic controlled valve you could modify the inflow/outflow from the middle of the end-cap to the bottom of the tank.  I also wonder if instead of an FRP tank you could modify an AL-80 or AL-100 scuba tank to perform the same function.  Unfortunately they are not large volume and would not produce a lot of buoyancy.
>> Jon
>>> On 12/17/2013 1:10 AM, Bob Travis wrote:
>>> I'm about ready to assemble my VBT and have noticed that there will be about an inch of water left inside after it has been fully blown.  I looked through the archives and can't find any discussion about water remaining in the tank. Is this a bad thing?  All the photos of all the other K-350's that I've looked at don't have any way of draining the last bit of water out of the tank. Can anyone give me some advise here?  I don't like the idea of water remaining in it long term.
>>> Any advise would be greatly appreciated.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Bob
>>> Sent from my iPhone
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