[PSUBS-MAILIST] Question for the group

Jon Wallace jon.wallace at yahoo.com
Wed Apr 9 16:53:12 EDT 2014

Retire from PSUBS?  Sub-building is only one challenge.  How about taking on a leadership role...we need to move towards making PSUBS a non-profit organization, create a board of directors, fight for our rights when government tries to limit our hobby, and counter other organizations who try to label us as a potential problem.  We need to get ABS and ASME as involved with us as they are with other organizations.  We also need to expand the group, more members, more documented info, more online tools for design and operations, larger conventions with more participation.  There's lots to do...retire from PSUBS??...that's not in my vocabulary.  I think I'm going to get a couple people to nominate you for some work we need done.  :)

On Wed, 4/9/14, swaters at waters-ks.com <swaters at waters-ks.com> wrote:

 Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] Question for the group
 To: "psubs" <personal_submersibles at psubs.org>
 Date: Wednesday, April 9, 2014, 2:20 PM
 here is some out of the box thinking...
 If someone on psubs could come up with something to
 help the whole group what would it be? You can have more
 than one answer. 
 Still being in the research phase of a new submarine
 project, maybe my whole goal is wrong. Maybe rather than
 building a sub to push the envelope of our group, maybe I
 should do something else like make certain parts or kits
 available, or design a solution for a psubs manipulator arm,
 or some kind of design for something that is lacking in
 psubs. I am still figuring out what to do, but the idea of
 simply retiring from psubs now that I finished my sub makes
 me sick. 
 Scott Waters
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