[PSUBS-MAILIST] first dive

hank pronk hanker_20032000 at yahoo.ca
Sun Feb 16 11:19:38 EST 2014

I am leaving tomorrow morning for Kootenay Lake, I am doing a test dive.  I am tired of waiting for winter to let go, I cant work on my barge.  Gamma is all loaded up and tarped up.  I can test the propulsion, and dive to safe depths.  I can not afford the 3k for batteries at the moment, so I have four batteries removed from my commercial truck sitting on the floor of Gamma.  I have the battery box filled with 480 lbs of scrap bits of steel.  It will be crowded inside :-) .  I am carrying the scrubber inside the truck to keep it warm.  It may be snowing out there, but that adds to the adventure.  I also replaced the mbt windows with steel plates, I was intending to drop her to 1,000 feet first.  I do not trust the condition of the mbt windows to handle unknown conditions at 1,000 feet.  I will leave the plates in place until I get the deep test done.
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