[PSUBS-MAILIST] Sub for 2 people

Douglas Suhr via Personal_Submersibles personal_submersibles at psubs.org
Sat Jul 16 04:44:53 EDT 2016

Kamil, to accommodate a second occupant in a K-250, it is necessary to
remove the hard (steel) variable ballast tank that would normally sit near
the floor of the hull (under the pilot's seat). Once this tank has been
removed, it is possible for a second person to lie prone on the floor of
the hull (with legs bent at the knees and feet toward the top of the aft
bulkhead) with the pilot seated above passenger (head in dome and feet
placed on both sides of passenger's torso). It's cramped for sure, but you
can work it out.

Snoopy is a good example of a K-250 that has been modified to accommodate a
second occupant. Another great modification to Snoopy is her saddle tanks
(much as you inquired), unfortunately they were an Alec Smyth custom job
and not detailed in the plans. You can see the saddle tank construction
detailed at the link below. ~ Doug S.


On Sat, Jul 16, 2016 at 2:41 AM, Kamil Żebrowski <
personal_submersibles at psubs.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Thank you for a nice welcome. I assume that moving fwd and aft MBT to the
> sides isn't so easy also a planing own sub isn't. I will buy a K350 plans
> and study them. As u said hard ballast tank u had on mind VBT (sorry for
> newbie question)? Hmm I saw that someone have K250 had two person onboard
> how it is possible when sub was designed fo 1 person?
> Cheers,
> Kamil
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