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Re: Visibility and wavelength

John Brownlee wrote:

> [snip]        Imaging sonar is great, but an alternate
> wavelength EM system would be more intuitive to the human eye, and also has
> greater resolution for close-up work.
>         Any thoughts? Am I out to lunch and picking up the tab here?

Hi, John and Group . . .

I, for one, am a visibility freak - and an astronomy fan.  Any system or ideas that will shed light
('scuse) on u/w vis would be great.  Given the inherent suitability of subs as instrument platforms,
then, some sort of EM system could work.

Question: since poor vis is usually due to suspended matter - which is solid - how do you do a
go-around using alternative w.lengths?  I would have thought suspended matter would behave
differently from atmospheric particles in terms of penetration.

