[PSUBS-MAILIST] Digital Barometer Thing

James Frankland jamesf at guernseysubmarine.com
Tue Sep 24 09:06:31 EDT 2013

Hi All,

Its only a small thing but I thought i would mention this.  I believe a few
of you have bought the SunRoad digital barometer?  We talked about it a
while ago.

Anyway, i lost the instructions for mine and so i ordered a different
type.  The new one arrived today and its really good.  Took a couple of
weeks to come from China, but worth it.  The main thing is the
contruction.  Its very solid stainless with a really nice domed lense.
Waterproof to 30m so it says.  Function looks similar to the other (not
that i managed to get my other to work properly without the instructions)
but you can also set "fishing alarms" at different pressures.  Handy.

Well worth a look.

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