[PSUBS-MAILIST] Confusing formula in Spreadsheet vs ABS rules

André Eriksen a.erikse at gmail.com
Thu Sep 26 21:31:47 EDT 2013

Hi !

I have been studying the psub spreadsheat and found a inconsistent formula
compared to the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Underwater Vehicles.
It`s in cell *C48: Pm= Von Mises Shell Buckling Pressure for a Cylinder.*

 C48 =2,42*C6*(C26/C17)^2,5/(1-C7^2)^0,75/(C14/C17-0,45*(C26/C17)^0,5)

The division sign I have highlighted above in the spreadsheet formula
should.. (if you look at the ABS formula section 6 - 19.5.1 Inter-Stiffener
Strenght).. be a Multiplicator.

But changing this gives me a low Maximum psig for inter-stiffeners.

I`m confused! Could someone please explain this? :-)

*Best Regards*
André Eriksen
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