[PSUBS-MAILIST] Commercial

swaters swaters at waters-ks.com
Fri Apr 11 21:05:45 EDT 2014

A crazy question someone might know the answer too. If a psub member wanted to do some kind of private contract or side jobs or something with a submarine or as a commercial diver is there any way to do that? If so what kind of jobs are out there and how would someone go about doing them. I do volunteer work with the local public service diving and sometimes do side jobs installing docks and maintanceing docks and search and recovery. If there was some way me and my dive team could travel to the ocean and do some side jobs for fun / a little cash it would be cool. I don't know a whole lot about what is available out there. Ultimately if I did build a deep diving sub, commercial work would really be a good excuse to go dive.
Scott Waters

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