[PSUBS-MAILIST] K3000 spherical shell calculations

Personal Submersibles General Discussion personal_submersibles at psubs.org
Wed Apr 16 13:09:19 EDT 2014

True, Hank, and Sean alluded to that consideration.  Same  applies to the 
CT/hatch. I was limiting my comments to the basics to  avoid getting into 
that as well as several others not mentioned which would have  to be addressed 
later.  Good observation though, and it is big  "detail" such as I was 
referencing in the last paragraph of my post.   For now I only addressed how to 
calculate volume of two basic shapes  in order to get a general idea of 
displacement and  resultant weight.  Also the length of the cylinder as specified 
by Les  might already include the tank head whether hemispherical or other. 
 I  didn't ask because I just wanted to give him the tools and so he  could 
run his own basic calcs.  I have some questions of my own to ask  later.
In a message dated 4/16/2014 11:41:59 A.M. Central Daylight Time,  
personal_submersibles at psubs.org writes:

You missed a step, If the sphere is welded to the  cylinder like a giant 
deep worker.  Then your calculation needs to remove  part of the volume of the 
sphere.  The portion of sphere volume   that intrudes into the cylinder 
needs to be removed from the total  volume.
Hank --------------------------------------------
On Wed,  4/16/14, Personal Submersibles General Discussion  
<personal_submersibles at psubs.org> wrote:

Subject: Re:  [PSUBS-MAILIST] K3000 spherical shell calculations
To:  personal_submersibles at psubs.org
Received: Wednesday, April 16, 2014, 11:12  AM

basic formula for the  volume of a sphere is .  Don't
plug in the diameter  instead of the radius (I've done
that).  To simplify the  formula,
convert the 4/3 
to a decimal carried to as many places as you  wish for
1.333333.  So it now reads V=1.3333  
π r3.  Since π = 3.14159
(rounded), you can go ahead and  multiply 
it by your 1.333333 to get 4.1888.  
Your simplified  formula now reads V =
4.1888 x 
or V = 4.1888 x r 
x r 
r.  You can use that simplified formula
calculating the  volume of any sphere by plugging in the
r3.  The 4.1888 is a  

your case since the diameter of the  sphere is 2 meters, your
radius is 1 meter 
and the volume of your  sphere is 4.1888 cubic meters.  Having the 
simplified formula saves  a

lot number crunching when you are calculating  different
sizes.  If you can set up a
containing  that formula it will be even easier.  You can also use that 
formula to  
calculate the volume of a hemispherical tank head on a
cylinder by  dividing it 
by 2. 

calculate the volume of a  cylinder, first calculate the area
of a circle of that 
radius and  multiply it by the length.  A 
= π r2
.  For your radius  of 0.6 meters,
A = 1.13 
m2 or 4.524 m3 for a 4 meter  long

Add a
hemispherical tank head on the  other 
end:  V = 4.1888 x 
.63 and you get a volume of   
.905 m3. 

the three figures together:  


9.618  m3 Total volume 

you can see, these figures pretty  well match up with
Sean’s.  Your sub would have to
weigh at least  
9858 kg (21,688 lb) in air in 
order to submerge in sea water.   
Adding external ballast tanks will not reduce that
figure.  Adding  internal ballast
tanks will 
reduce it by the weight of the water in  those internal 

worry about dumb  questions. 
had a few.  If anything I’ve
above is inaccurate, someone will correct it for the benefit
of  all.  I wanted to keep it
simple instead of 
adding too much  detail.  That can
done later. 


In a message dated 4/16/2014  12:58:11 A.M. Central
Daylight Time, 
personal_submersibles at psubs.org  writes:

Les, the total
mass of the trimmed-out craft  will 
be exactly the displacement volume of your proposed  craft
multiplied by the 
density of seawater, if you expect  to be neutrally
buoyant.  Back of 
envelope  calcs:  a 2m sphere is 4.189 m^3, a cylinder
1.2m OD x 4m is  
4.524 m^3, for a total of 8.713 m^3. Multiplying by  1025
kg/m^3 (seawater 
density) gives 8930.825 kg.   Subtract some for the
common volume, add 
some for  superstructure, conning tower etc., but
that's the ballpark.  Or  
are your worried about the dry weight of the steel used  in



On 2014-04-15  23:25, Personal 
Submersibles General Discussion  wrote:

Hello everybody
,anybody, Les here , 

Attatched myself to
this email for  convenience 
(similar subject) been away from psubs for  quite some
time wanting to start 
Now it might sound
dumb, but I tried to follow 
the calc sheet for material and depth etc with  ring
stiffeners but 
ufortunately had a few  problems, perhaps a sample calc
attached to it would 
assist me and maybe others on how to use it  correctly?

In between time I do
need to get a  rough 
indication of the thickness  of steel
and  approx size 
of  ring stiffener size and
quantity, to roughly  
calculate the weight of what I wish to build,  to
see if what I 
want to do is feasible or  not...WEIGHT IS CRITICAL for
my project 

Can anyone help me
please my reqirements are; 

A Sphere 2 meters
A Cylinder attached to
that 1.2m diameter x 
4meters long
( I understand
there  will be a flaring 
attatchment to the sphere, however  at this point for the
exercise, just to 
calc the  min weight that would be possible on these two
items would be an 
indicator for me andd give me a mental appreciation of
my  limitations 
The desired depth  is
300m, ( 984ft ) 
( 452 psi ) or I could  settle for 250 meters( 820ft
) ( 379 psi ) 
both maximum dive depth not crush depth.
Sorry to  be  pain
but can any-one help me 

Thank you 

P.S. In for a penny in
for a pound, guess I  
will make myself look completely dumb ....just  as
an indication, with 
something like the  above how would I calculate

volume hence the size required for soft tanks for
maximum  submergance 

Personal_Submersibles at psubs.org

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