Joe Perkel josephperkel at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 5 13:15:21 EST 2014

OK here she is, this is what I want! In the intervening six years to retirement I'll finalize the details. Already been at this for 8, so what's another six!

In this image I shifted the torpedo bumpers into proper position and added regulation registration numbers and the sticker, (block lettering 3" high per regulations for non-documented vessels. Also, a less offensive Ensign from the late 1800's. 

What I do need to find out, is whether or not there is any regulatory requirement for placarding, marking, or otherwise painting dummy ordnance, at this point I don't know for certain and would be guessing. What does one do with the depth charges on that PT-109 replica?

What do I name this? Obviously Alvin Jr is no longer appropriate, Kaiser Bill?, Sea Hunter?, Ba Ba Buoy?

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