[PSUBS-MAILIST] locate wreck

hank pronk via Personal_Submersibles personal_submersibles at psubs.org
Mon Jan 30 07:34:05 EST 2017

The Minto had a metal clad hull, so it should be intact still.  The general location is known because it was deliberately burnt and sunk, and  the depth of Galena bay is well known. The lake level does change though because it is a water reservoir behind a dam.  I think it was destroyed because the dam was being built and the owner had no means to complete the restoration.  It won't be as exciting as the SS City Of  Ainsworth Paddle wheeler that I will be  diving since it is complete and almost completely intact.Hank 

    On Sunday, January 29, 2017 10:51 PM, River Dolfi via Personal_Submersibles <personal_submersibles at psubs.org> wrote:

 I've spent quite a bit of time on sternwheelers. If she wasn't stripped before she was burnt, the boilers, the iron smoke stack, engines, and paddle wheel frame should all be relatively intact on the bottom. The old wooden steamboats were built as cheaply as possible, so the rest of it is probably a pile of charred splinters.  The steam whistle would be a worthy price if you could locate and raise it. It would polish up nice for display at the historical society and you could blow it on New Years and Canada Day.
Be sure to take lots and lots and lots of pictures!

-River J. Dolfi
412-997-2526rdolfi7 at gmail.comrwd5301@psu.edu
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