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Re: [PSUBS-MAILIST] K-350 Plan No. 13 question

The valves your referring to are the main control valves to put air onto each of the ballast tanks.  The valves called out aren't available any longer as far as I know.  It really doesn't matter at all what type of valves you use to replace them.  I just used quarter turn ball valves.  I followed the schematic in principal but didn't use the exact components that were called out on it.  The important thing is that your valves are of sufficient pressure rating and that you have two valves for each hull penetration as called out.  One valve for control and a second for emergency.  I think you can see some of what I used in the posted pics of "Persistence."   Also I used stainless fittings and valves. 
If I can help more, just ask, Dan H.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:22 AM
Subject: [PSUBS-MAILIST] K-350 Plan No. 13 question

Hello, this question is directed to those who are building or have builded a K-350 Kittredge sub. I am starting to install the plumbing lines in my sub and I have a doubt. In plan No. 13 the item No. 7 description reads ?DIAPHRAM VALVE ? HENRY 6253? I can?t find any information about this valve on the internet, all I know is that there are three valves of this kind and they are connected to lines that goes to the outside of the the sub. So? is it a check valve? Do you know where I can get them? Or do you know a replacement for it, but the most important question?. is it an actuated valve or is it a check valve? Or neither one. If someone knows please help me out here. Thanks.