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Re: Thru hull seals

John Brownlee wrote:

> [snip]

> If we REALLY want to have a HOWTO
> page, we might build a list of suppliers for things people are tempted to
> build themselves but are better bought, like the current listing of
> complete sub manufacturers. I'd be willing to collect the addresses and
> things of companies I've used over the years to start it, if there is an
> interest in such an effort.

I'm interested.  And thanks for the offer.

It's great to see this list evolving.  I agree that there are commercial solutions to our problems
that we really should pay attention to. Often, our quandaries are more mission oriented or of an
aesthetic nature.  But shaft seals?  Uh uh.  Commercial.  Air delivery systems?  Commercial.  Life
support?  Commercial. Propulsion?  Commercial.

One example I can think of is the effort some time back that went into blowing or vacuuming your own
bubble port.  As an interesting project or a learning experience it's a great idea.  If time's a
problem, go to the people who've already dealt with our issues and more.

Rick Lucertini
in Vancouver, Canada

"To a rational being it is the same thing to act according to nature and according to reason."

    Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, 121 - 180 a.d.