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Re: Sketchings (was: Autocad Lite)

Michael B Holt wrote:

> About quick sketches: if I have something I've scribbled out on paper,
> how can I e-mail it?   Does Kinko's offer scanners?
> And, as long as I'm worried about this, what's out there to convert
> drawings to a CAD-usable format?
> Mike Holt


"WHIP" is a program that was design by Autodesk to read Cad drawings. 
It's like a plug in but you can then mod. the drawing if you want.  It
comes with R14/2000 as a bonus program. I think you can download from
Autodesk.com but I'm not sure.

Scanners, make trading pics so easy.  Anyone can do it and it's cheap. 

>And, as long as I'm worried about this, what's out there to convert
>drawings to a CAD-usable format?

Whip is the only usable program to convert to CAD format.  If you don't
use it, you can only paste the drawing in your "drawing space"  It's
then a picture and not a "vectorized"  (lines) drawing.  Also, you can
only download a CAD program if the user saves the drawing as a
Tiff/mpeg.  After that, it's only a pic and not a true CAD drawing.

Listen.......If were all talking about saving money.........The napkin
idea is great....
Then maybe a nice person (like a dead horse like me will convert them
for you...)
It could be a great weekend project.  I only see one problem.....

As the project progress, the drawings will build up.  I think you all
should make a secure web page were only the "designers" can
go.....Scanning pics. and then uploading to a web page is easy.  Then,
ALL can see them and then write there comments.  But, there is a problem
there. Building a page like that will take as much time as building a

The Great Dead Horse