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Re: sneaking up on fishermen

In a message dated 7/25/99 6:38:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 
shawl@torchlake.com writes:

<< Then set up a mannequin in fishing
 clothes in the boat holding a fishing pole. Launch the sub/ row boat and 
trim it
 just right so it looks like it is a real boat just floating along the lake. 
 with the sub in radio contact with someone else in another friendly "fishing"
 boat, we go fishing on the same lake, move in together to a popular fishing
 site.  After a little while you just dive the sub slowly.... or reverse the
 process and sneak up next to some fisherman underwater and then surface 
 right next to them... >>

Exchange the manequin for a science class skeleton with clothing remnants!   
Better have Candid Camera (and the paramedics) on sight!

Gene Seus

Ps.  I have two boys, older one who built his own go cart out of junk yard 
parts, welding and all, and the other who spends his spare time doing 
"anarchists cookbook" stuff (his mother freaks out) and I TRY to keep safety 
tabs on him.   Problem is I like the experiments as much as he does.  The 
younger son also does drawings and designs for sub ideas....  he's a BIG 
thinker tho with standing room and bench seats for 10!

Gene  Seus