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Re: Club Info

SFreihof@aol.com wrote:

> [snip]  I know this group well enough to know that no harm is ever intended
> (and we work hard to prevent people from causing harm to themselves due to bad
> design)

John - ref. my personal post to you.

> [snip] I, for one,
> would like you to stay with us as long as you can, especially since you are,
> first of all, a personal submariner yourself.  The purpose of this group is to
> be responsive to one-another, and I hope we can all be there for you too.

Here-here.  Hear, John?

> I miss you already John, and I don't think anyone here wanted you to leave us.
> The only intent was to remain focused on our charter, but I would hope not by
> losing our humor or humanity.  [snip]

John?  You paying attention?  John? JOHN!!!  Wake up!

> [snip]  We should be a
> support group, not a corporation.


> [snip]  And, John, I would
> suggest that removing your discourse from the record is a mistake.  We've lost
> that part of you and what you tried to offer this group.  Nobody wins,
> everybody loses.  The effort should've been on record, and I'm sorry now it's
> lost.

Ditto.  I don't think this much effort would be going out to you if some part of your humanity hadn't
shown through to us, John.

> I ask the rest of you to reconsider what we're all about.  I suggest this is
> better conceived as a brotherhood than an enterprise.  A logo, yes.  A
> charter, yes.  Articles of Incorporation, NO!  Let this association be of  the
> heart, for the safety and the promotion of the SPORT and RECREATIONAL use of
> submersibles. [snip]    But I think I'm in the minority.  Maybe at least we can reflect on what
> should be.
> Stan

Well, Stan, the minority just got a little bigger. I'm with you on this one.


[the saloon was quiet - the piano man still.  Big John ambled up to the swinging doors - he
hesitated.  Some sum-bitch put a bullet through his nose - and he was just a pissed.  You could hear a
pin drop.

(Camera One pans the floor - slow zoom to cowboy boot tapping nervously on a planked floor
Morricone sound track to come in now - volume increases slowly - heavy background percussion)

What's Big John thinking?  A bar girl wonders under her breath how big, er, how tall he is. Her bosum
heaves in anticipation.

Suddenly, Big J. breaks out into a big smile - "Everthin's gonna be awright!" yells the bar tender!

Piano man bangs the keys, the crowd cheers and the beer starts flowing.

"Welcome back, Big John!!!"  Bar girls surround our man.  Brotherhood remains intact.

Seriously, John, come on back and stay on track (psubs, that is)   ;-)

Rick Lucertini
in Vancouver, Canada

"To a rational being it is the same thing to act according to nature and according to reason."

    Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, 121 - 180 a.d.